Sunday, September 27, 2009


in seminary we were talking about the ressurection, and being righteous and all that stuff, and one kid said, "well does that mean that other religions such as buddhists can't go to the celestial kingdom?" i thought that was a stupid question. first of all, buddhists are awesome. second of all, doesnt it say in one of your articles of faith to let men worship who, where and how they may (not exact words)? Also, if you want to go around preaching your religion, should you be ignorant of theirs? I dont think so. One more thing. one of the key principles in the church is to not gossip. but it seems like the one other primary thing the church centers around besides god is talking about others behind their backs. I'm not bashing on the church as a whole, i think its a great thing. but seriously, wheres the respect? Just something to think about and maybe change about yourself. I know i'm not perfect and have gossiped in the past. but i can still try my best to change.

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