So the reason I haven't blogged for a while is because I really don't have anything to talk about. I recently had a birthday, overall it was pretty fun, my friends came over and we pretty much laughed so hard our heads hurt afterwards. I guess I'm looking for a job... But I'm simply not old enough to work at Vitamin Cottage, and Tattered Cover is simply not hiring. I don't want to work at a place where I have to wear a uniform, but I realize that being 15, I probably don't have much of a choice. Hmm... Library? Now I'm rambling. But it's a blog. An online rambling page. It's Spring Break, and on the sunny days, when Denver weather is not being Bipolar, I have been riding my bike a lot, and going to the park to write poetry. I seem to have a bad case of writer's block though... Hm... I thought didn't have a lot to write about. Guess I did. Well if you want me to blog more, give me some ideas of something you want to hear. Holla!